Your abstract (maximum of 250 words) may be incorporated within your poster or attached to your posted and should include the following information about your research project:
- What was studied?
- How was it studied?
- What were the results?
- An explanation of those results.
- Your abstract should be clear and concise. Avoid abbreviations and jargon.
- Do not put your name or school information in the body of the abstract. Do not include the title in the body of the abstract.
Tips for Writing the Abstract
Here are a few additional tips for writing and organizing an abstract: (Note: These are suggestions. Your teacher or mentor may have other guidelines for you to follow.)
- Describe the purpose of the project. Use your hypothesis.
Example: The purpose of this research is to determine if _____has an effect on _____.
- Describe the methods used. Do not use first person.
Example: Three experimental groups and one control group were set up. Each experimental group was exposed to different levels of light: 4 hours, 10 hours, and 24 hours. The control group had 12 hours of light. Leaf width and stem height were measured by _____ every other day for three weeks beginning on _____.
- Describe the results. Be sure to cover all of your major results.
Example: The experimental group with 4 hours of light grew the most, with 7 mm of leaf growth and 10 mm of stem growth. In contrast, the experimental group with 24 hours of light had the least amount of growth. Leaf size decreased by 2 mm, and stem height grew only 1 mm.
- List the conclusions. Explain whether or not your hypothesis was supported. Give specific explanations for the results.
Example: The hypothesis was supported because the plant with the most light grew the least. There may be several explanations for this, including _____.
Based on your research design, it may make more sense to include the explanation of your results with your actual results (i.e., present the results followed by an explanation of your results) before the conclusion. This is acceptable; however, make sure your explanation is clear.